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Ayotzinapa: One Year Missing

Mexico City, 26 September 2015.– One year has gone by since the enforced disappearance of the 43 students from Ayotzinapa. Maria Luisa Aguilar, International Affairs Coordinator of the Human Rights Centre Tlachinollan, which legally represents the parents of Ayotzinapa, tells PBI Mexico how both the Mexican State and the International Community have reacted to the Ayotzinapa case.

Interview with Blanca Martinez from the Fray Juan de Larios Diocesan Center for Human Rights

Mexico City, 1 September 2015.– Between May and December 2015, PBI Mexico will publish a series of interviews with Human Rights Defenders which we accompany or with whom we maintain a close relationship. This month we present an interview with Blanca Martinez, director of the Fray Juan de Larios Diocesan Center for Human Rights of Saltillo, Coahuila.

International Organizations back request to extend mandate of International Experts on Ayotzinapa case

Mexico City, 20 August 2015.–  With two open letters, one addressed to the Mexican Government and the other to the Interamerican Human Rights Commission, International Organizations - amongst which PBI - have displayed their support regarding the request of the International Group of Independent Experts (IGIE) of the Interamerican Human Rights Commission, to extend their mandate to provide technical assistance for the investigations of the Ayotzinapa case in which 43 students were disappeared.

Interview with Alma Gomez from the Center for the Human Rights of Women

Mexico City, 5 August 2015.–  Between May and December 2015, PBI Mexico will publish a series of interviews with Human Rights Defenders which we accompany or with whom we maintain a close relationship. This month we present an interview with Alma Gomez Caballero, member of the Center for the Human Rights of Women (CEDEHM), from Chihuahua.

Mexican Civil Society: new report regarding national protection mechanism for Human Rights Defenders and Journalists

Mexico City, 28 July 2015.– Mexican Civil Society Organizations gathered in “Espacio OSC” released a report that “sums up the main findings and recommendations of the first two years of the implementation of the national mechanism for protection of human rights defenders and journalists.”

New PBI documentary on defense of the land in Latin America (full version)

Mexico City, 23 July 2015.- Peace Brigades International, as a result of a joint effort from different field projects and national groups, produced a new documentary that illustrates the risks of human rights defenders (HRDs) devoted to the defense of the land and territory within the context of large-scale investment projects in Latin America.