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PBI Mexico: Fresh threats to Alba Cruz, human rights lawyer

On January 11 Alba Cruz, the human rights lawyer accompanied by PBI in Oaxaca, received an intimidatory text message to her mobile telephone. The message fits a pattern of threats and intimidation against Alba, who is well-respected for her work in seeking justice for high profile human rights abuses, particularly those which occurred during the social conflict of 2006.

PBI Mexico: PBI accompanied organisation - the Me'phaa Indigenous People (OPIM) - awarded Human Rights Prize

The General Council of Spanish Lawyers Awards the 2010 Human Rights Prize to the Organisation of the Me'phaa Indigenous People (OPIM) who are accompanied by PBI.

The Mexican journalist Rosa Isela Pérez and the Iranian human rights defenders Mohammad Mostafaeí, Nasrin Sotoudeh and Javid Houtan have also received prizes.

The Organisation of the Indigenous Me´phaa People (OPIM), from the State of Guerrero in Mexico, has won the Human Rights Award in the category 'institutions'.

PBI Mexico: The Inter-American Commission of Human Rights grants precautionary measures to Juan Manual Martinez Moreno

Oaxaca.- The Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (ICHR) has ordered precautionary measures in favour of Juan Manuel Martinez Moreno and his family, requesting the Mexican Government to adopt the necessary means to guarantee their lives and physical integrity.

PBI Mexico: New threats against Father Solalinde and migrant rights defenders

On November 11, in the state of Oaxaca, José Alberto Donis of the 'Hermanos en el Camino' migrant shelter, suffered physical aggressions and death threats against both himself and his colleague Father Alejandro Solalinde. These attacks represent an increase in the risk which risks for the staff of the shelter, which provides humanitarian and legal aid to migrants. PBI would like to communicate its profound concern for the security of Father Solalinde and his colleagues.