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PBI Mexico observes with great concern recent trend to restrict the rights to freedom of expression and social protest in different Mexican states

Mexico City, 26 May 2014. Peace Brigades International – Mexico Project (PBI Mexico) has observed with great concern the recent trend to restrict the rights to freedom of expression and social protest in different Mexican states and, consequently, to limit the work of human rights defenders in the country.

PBI and Mexican human rights defenders participate in European forum

Mexico City, 15 May 2014. Between 12 and 14 May, PBI participated in the 2014 European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) Forum, which focused on the progresses and challenges regarding the protection of human rights defenders (HRDs). During the forum, the European Union policies and mechanisms for the protection of HRDs were analyzed, especially the Guidelines on HRDs, which were adopted 10 years ago.

PBI Mexico expresses strong concern over recent acts of aggression against human rights defenders and migrants


Mexico City, 7 May 2014. Peace Brigades International – Mexico Project (PBI Mexico) expresses strong concern over recent acts of aggression against human rights defenders (HRDs) and migrants that have taken place in different states throughout Mexico, as well as the high level of risk to which these persons are still exposed.

Concretely, PBI Mexico expresses concern over the following reported incidents:

CSO: Curtailment of the military jurisdiction in cases involving civilians: historical triumph for the victims of the impunity of the Armed Forces

Logos undersigned organizationsMexico City, 30 April 2014. Today the Chamber of Deputies followed the example of the Senate and unanimously passed the reform to curtail the reach of military jurisdiction in cases of violations committed by military personnel against civilians.

National and International NGOs Celebrate Mexican Lawyer Alejandra Ancheita’s Nomination for the 2014 Martin Ennals Award

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  • Alejandra Ancheita is a leader in the field of human rights in Latin America, only Mexican women nominated to this award.

  • The Project headed by Alejandra Ancheita is an innovative breakthrough in the vulnerable context facing local communities, temporary workers and migrants.

Consultative Council: Councillors of the Protection Mechanism for Human Rights Defenders and Journalists restart dialogue with the Interior Ministry

11 April 2014

Yesterday, members of the Consultative Council of the Protection Mechanism for Human Rights Defenders and Journalists carried out a meeting with Lía Limón, Sub-secretary of Human Rights for the Interior Ministry. At the meeting at the end of March, the priority issues brought up by the members of the Council regarded the effective functioning of the Mechanism and the guaranties for security that journalists and human rights defenders in the country require. The issues were:

Concern expressed over worrying developments regarding the Protection Mechanism for Human Rights Defenders and Journalists in Mexico

Logos undersigned organizationsThe undersigned organisations are deeply concerned by recent developments that have taken place regarding the Protection Mechanism for Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) and Journalists in Mexico. We believe that such developments are likely to place HRDs and journalists at even greater risk.