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Civil Society Organizations: On International Human Rights Day, civil society organizations urge the Mexican State to protect human rigths defenders and journalists

Mexico D.F. 9 December 2013. Several civil society organizations urge the Mexican government to protect human rights defenders and journalists. They highlight the context of repeated attacks and acts of aggression against defenders and journalists and remind the commitments made by the Interior Ministry on the matter.


See below the press release issued by the organizations (in Spanish):



PBI Mexico: New video featuring Alma Garcia, from the Fray Juan de Larios Diocese Center for Human Rights, aboout disappearances in Coahuila


Mexico D.F., 14 November 2013. Watch the video featuring Alma García, from the Fray Juan de Larios Diocese Center for Human Rights, about disappearances in Coahuila. Fray Juan de Larios supports the families organized at the United Forces for Our Disappeared in Coahuila (FUUNDEC).

PBI Mexico: PBI interviews Juan Carlos Gutiérrez, Head of the Unit for the Defense of Human Rights at the Interior Ministry

Mexico D.F., 1 November 2013. PBI interviewed Juan Carlos Gutiérrez, Head of the Unit for the Defense of Human Rights at the Interior Ministry (SEGOB) and Executive Coordinator of the Protection Mechanism for Human Rights Defenders and Journalists.

PBI Mexico: Alma García speaks to European audiences about the defense of human rights, disappearances and the violations committed against the migrant population in Coahuila

Alma speaks to an audience during her European tourMexico D.F. 02 October 2013. As part of the beginning of PBI's activities in the north of Mexico, Alma Rosa García Guevara was invited to visit several European countries between 2 and 18 September 2013 representing three organizations that defend and promote human rights in Coahuila.

PBI Mexico: Franco-German acknowledgment of the work of Alba Cruz and Código-DH; Ambassador calls on the Mexican State to protect community human rights defenders

Alba Cruz shows the awardMexico D.F., 26 September 2013. Yesterday the German and French Embassies in Mexico awarded the first Franco-German “Gilberto Bosques” Human Rights prize in recognition of the promotion and defense of human rights, peace, solidarity and justice.

“Bartolome Carrasco Briseno” Regional Center for Human Rights (Barca-DH): Urgent Action

Logo Barca DHThe human rights defender Minerva Nora Martínez Lázaro, member of Barca-DH, from the state of Oaxaca, was a victim of theft. On Tuesday, 19 September 2013, Nora Martínez left a meting at 6.30pm and noticed her car had been broken into. The perpetrators took discs, USB memories, an iPad and documents about the cases the organization is working on.