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PBI Mexico: PBI Mexico expands international accompaniment to northern states of Mexico

During the biannual strategic meeting of the Mexico Project (MEP) of Peace Brigades International (PBI), held this October, PBI Mexico has decided to open a new regional team during 2013 to address the situation of Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) in the states of Chihuahua and Coahuila. This decision is the result of an exploratory mission carried out in 2012.

CSO: Mexican human rights and freedom of expression organisations make progress in the establishment of the first mechanism that will protect HRDs and journalists

Press release

Mexico City 19 October 2012.- Launched this morning: The Consultative Council designed to protect human rights defenders (HRDs) and journalists when their lives are threatened as a result of their professional activity.

CSO: CSO urge the EU to deal with the deterioration of human rights in Mexico

  • In relation to the bilateral human rights dialogue between the European Union (EU) and Mexico, civil organizations urge the EU to tackle issues of major concern regarding the human rights situation in Mexico.
  • They also urge that the bilateral political dialogue between the Mexican government and the European Union conclude with transparency and ensure effective mechanisms for dialogue with civil society.

Press release

PBI Mexico: Mission formed by human rights defenders concludes in Oaxaca

Press Release

Oaxaca de Juarez, October 3, 2012– October 1st-3rd, representatives of organizations of the National Network of Civil Human Rights Organizations "All Rights for All" (Red Nacional de Organismos Civiles de Derechos Humanos "Todos los derechos para todas y todos", Red TDT) and Peace Brigades International (PBI) carried out a Mission to the state of Oaxaca.