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The right to consultation and free, prior and informed consent

PBI interviewed ProDESC to learn more about consultation processes. Alejandra Ancheita is a lawyer, founder and Executive Director of the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Project (ProDESC), an organization that defends human rights, specifically the right to land, territory and natural resources of agrarian communities, indigenous peoples, and labor rights.

70 years of human rights and 20 recognising defenders

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights Defenders (henceforth, the Declaration), Peace Brigades International (PBI) invited 13 human rights defenders who are accompanied by the 7 PBI projects on a tour that would take them through 10 European countries.

EU-Mexican bilateral relations

The Global Agreement between the European Union and Mexico includes within the political pillar, a high level human rights dialogue.  This mechanisms allows both parts to tackle human rights issues that they are affected by and to guide the priorities in the cooperation and technical assistance agreements.  The dialogue between Mexico and the EU is annual and takes place after a prior seminar where Mexcian and European human rights organisations present the human rights situation and make recommendations.  This year the central topic was human rights defenders, which cooincid

Stand With Her

Every day more women all over the world are taking action to promote equality, peace and justice. It is these women who, whether they mean to or not, are transforming traditional gender roles and power structures, by dedicating their lives to defending fundamental human rights. More and more, these extraordinary women are identifying themselves as human rights defenders. In general, it is said that women are doubly vulnerable, for being women and for defending human rights, however, they are strengthened by their determination to create positive change in our societies.

Remarkable women

There are brave and extraordinary women throughout the world, fighting against the patriarchy that in many countries has women silenced, marginalised, threatened and harassed.  PBI has the priviledge of accompanying women human rights defenders that fight for a fairer world, a world where rights are the same for everyone and a world where social justice is a reality.

The struggle of the Me'Phaa People for a territory free of mining

The Tlachinollan Human Rights Center (CDHM Tlachinollan) is a human rights organization which has worked in the state of Guerrero since 1993. They promote and defend the rights of the ñuu savi, me’phaa, nauas, nn’anncue and mestizo peoples of the Montaña and Costa Chica regions of Guerrero; among them the collective rights of indigenous peoples; economic, social, cultural and environmental rights; and women’s rights.

The Mountain of Guerrero: the source of resistance and whirlwind of hope

“Mountain, you are our refuge and strength, in you we rest our collective spirit.  Your vigilant hills protect us from the reach of enemies of our people.  In this source of resistance, our struggle strengthens and immerse ourselves in this whirlwind of hope”

The mountainous region of the State of Guerrero is an unstoppable source of resistance.  Abel Barrera Hernández, director and founder of the Human Rights Center of the Mountain Tlachinollan, expressed this on the 24th anniversary of the organisations, celebrated on the 6th October in the municipalit

"If the underlying problem causing socio-environmental conflicts is not resolved, human rights defenders will always be at risk"

The Focal Group on Business and Human Rights in Mexico is a group of civil society organizations that seek to ensure respect, promotion and protection of human rights by the government and national and transnational corporations, through the adoption of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.