2020 annual report

2020 has been a year that we will never forget and that brought us countless challenges.


Proyectos extractivistas, afectaciones ambientales y consecuencias para personas defensoras de derechos humanos en Michoacán

Desde la apertura del acompañamiento a la Red Solidaria de Derechos Humanos (RSDH) en octubre 2023, PBI ha incrementado su presencia en el Estado de Michoacán de Ocampo, acompañando a la RSDH en el marco de la lucha en contra de los megaproyectos extractivistas que producen fuertes afectaciones sobre la tierra y el agua en los territorios ancestrales de los Pueblos originarios.


“There can not be development while our rights are being violated” The struggle of the indigenous communities of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec against the Interoceanic Corridor project and its industrial development hubs.

The midday sun burns relentlessly on the small patio of Santa María Mixtequilla (SMM) in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, where 50 people have gathered. Some of the women try to keep cool with paper fans, while the men wear large sombreros to alleviate the heat of Istmo. An elderly man stands up and speaks decisively, while the crowd shows their support for his words with subtle movements of their heads: “they want to pay us for a metre of land with the value of a kilo of tortillas”.


The struggles for land and territory in the birthplace of Emiliano Zapata

"In the face of forgetfulness, which contributes to oppression and marginalization, the weapon of memory is vindicated. Memory is fundamental in the life of peoples, since it prevents us from falling into oblivion. Through memory we give meaning and, therefore, stability to human existence. In memory the land is much more than a productive space, since it is full of symbols and endearing references, that is why the old people of Temoac vehemently exclaim 'this land cost blood' in reference to the Zapatista deed 'and that is why it is not for sale'.


Concern about the harassment, surveillance and likely attempted murder of the lawyer and defender of the Peoples' Front in Defense of Land and Water - Morelos, Puebla, Tlaxcala (FPDTA - MPT), Juan Carlos Flores Solís.

Joint Declaration by: Peace Brigades International - PBI Mexico; World Organization Against Torture (OMCT) and International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), in the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders; Protection International Mesoamerica; Taula per Mèxic (Barcelona); Front line Defenders; Swedish Mo


Concern about the harassment, surveillance and likely attempted murder of the lawyer and defender of the Peoples' Front in Defense of Land and Water - Morelos, Puebla, Tlaxcala (FPDTA - MPT), Juan Carlos Flores Solís.

Joint Declaration by: Peace Brigades International - PBI Mexico; World Organization Against Torture (OMCT) and International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), in the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders; Protection International Mesoamerica; Taula per Mèxic (Barcelona); Front line Defenders; Swedish Movement for Reconciliati


2020 annual report

2020 has been a year that we will never forget and that brought us countless challenges.


Annual report 2020

2020 has been a year that we will never forget and that brought us countless challenges.



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